When I first published my book Entrpreneur I heard all types of advice and different things from people inside the industry and out of it. The majority of the information was useful and some if it wasn't. I took what I needed, processed it, and discarded the rest.
One of the biggest takeaways was traveling outside of your comfort zone.
So I went to the state of Maryland with my then girlfriend (now fiance) and two of my author friends.
Before our arrival a book club agreed to host me and one of the authors, Julia Press Simmons. I believe we were on our debut novels at the time. Fun times all around.
We expierenced every little roadtrip thing. We gorged on snacks and almost ran out of gas on the highway at one point. We got lost twice. None of us had access to GPS either. Eventually we found our way around the city and to our hotel. I had three signings in three different malls and all of them went better than I expected. I don't even think the stores where I signed are in existence anymore. (Which sucks)
The best part of the trip was the bookclub that hosted us. We set up in a room at a restaurant in Annapolis, Maryland and the staff there couldn't have been more pleasant. The women of the bookclub were hilarious. I enjoyed the fact that we had an in depth conversation about the books like the characters were real people. That time remains one of the best book expierences I've had so far as an author.
I'm sure i'll have more memories, but nothing is like your first book tour.